Buff Chick Stuffed Sweet Potatoes
– 6 Sweet Potatoes (whole) around an equal size
– 4 Large Chicken Breasts
– 2 stems celery, chopped
– 1 green bell pepper, chopped
– 1 onion, diced
– 1 Tbsp garlic
– 1 cup chicken broth
– 1/2 cup Frank’s Red Hot Sauce (or cayenne pepper)– may need more later
– 2 Tbsp. light mayo
– 2 Tbsp. 0% plain Greek yogurt
– Green onion for garnish
1. Set slow cooker to high, spray bottom with olive oil/cooking spray and cook chicken, celery, bell pepper, onion, garlic, chicken broth, and franks red hot sauce for 4 hours. Pull apart chicken breasts when finished and mix together with the juices. If it get’s really “soupy,” eliminate some of the excess.
2. About 1.5 hours before chicken is complete, set the oven to 450 degrees F. Wash sweet potatoes leaving the skin on. Poke with fork about 5-10 times per sweet potato. Rub with olive oil and cook for about 45-75 minutes (oven dependent) or until you can easily cut through with a knife down the middle
3. Transfer chicken and vegetables to a mixing bowl. Add in the mayo, Greek yogurt, and some additional hot sauce.
4. Stuff the sweet potato with the mixture and garnish with green onion.
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